Basket and Berrys by Billy Jacobs

Basket and Berrys by Billy Jacobs

Prim Fixins and Bowl Fillers

These little resin primitive gingerbread men, cinna-buns and star ornies are great bowl filler's for anytime of year. They range between 2"-3" tall or across and are wax dipped in a warm cinnamon scented wax, sure to make any room smell fabulous and add character to any arrangement or country kitchen! They come in smooth wax or yummy sugar coated wax and look good enough to eat! (The stars only come in smooth wax, but either have a grungy finish or clean finish.)
 All ornies come in a cello bag tied with homespun. Amounts vary from product.

My potpourri bowl fillers are made from real apples and oranges, dried and dipped in warm cinnamon scented wax to preserve. They add a special touch to any primitive or county kitchen and they smell good too!
These also come in a cello bag and tied with some homespun.

These little gems are also a great additive to any primitive or country bowl. They are decorative fabric bowls with homspun material and range in sizes from 2" to 4".